We all have questions about the FCE exam. Whether you are preparing it on your own, or whether you have enrolled in an exam preparation course, there are always things that need to be clarified. Having prepared most papers and parts in isolation, it is a good idea to put all the pieces together again. Here is the official Cambridge University ESOL website with an outline of the examparts, dates, set texts for this year and next year too.
You can’t miss it!
Believe me that us teachers do often have questions. When in doubt, we go straight to Cambridge publications. For a deeper treatment of the exam and its parts, see the FCE Handbook (Downloadable PDF). It includes a complete sample exam with all five parts and key.
The handbook also includes some details about the exam administration and assessment. It can get a bit technical for a student, but it is certainly very useful for teachers. The FAQs pages are probably where the typical student’s questions are answered.
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