The Key Ingredients to Writing a Winning Essay or Term Paper
Want a custom essay that will put a smile on your instructor's face? Knowing the right ingredients to writing a successful essay will do it. Knowing the beginning and ending of an essay are vital parts to making it successful. The first paragraph is the most important paragraph of any type of writing because most readers stop if the first paragraph does not hold their interest. However, knowing how to write supporting evidence, style, and correct grammar are also important. Put these ingredients together and you have a winning essay.
The best way to begin writing any essay, research paper, or term paper is to brainstorm ideas known and unknown about the topic. Use the information listed to research the topic. This information will be used throughout writing the essay. Perhaps you will find an important statistic that can be used in the opening paragraph. After brainstorming these ideas they should lead to finding information that will support the thesis.
The first paragraph needs to have a hook. The goal of an opening paragraph should be to get the reader interested in the essay. Give them a feeling of "Wow! I did not know that!" Statistics, questions, anecdotes, striking statements, proverbs, illustrations, lines from a poem or song, and examples are all great ways to start a opening paragraph. Any type of statistical information should be doubled checked with other statistics on the topic. Anecdotes are personal stories that entice the reader to want to know more about the topic. Quotations are often great ways to begin any essay. The key is using something that grabs the reader and keeps him/her reading the essay.
The conclusion should give the reader a sense of closure as it summarizes what has been discussed in the body of the essay. The conclusion can end with an anecdote tying the supporting points with the thesis to complete the essay. Some writers use a newspaper style of writing where the important information is given in the beginning with less and less important information at the end. Most custom written essays or term papers require giving the reader something to take away with him/her. Give an emphasis of why you have written the essay and why it was important. Sometimes asking a question in the conclusion leaves the reader with something more to think on.
Supporting points are important in backing the thesis. Each of these should point to the thesis as it gives evidence that the thesis is true. Remember that every essay or term paper has a purpose. Persuade the reader through the evidence that is provided throughout the term paper. Always think about the audience and their level of understanding of the topic. Often using an outline helps to state the thesis and to clearly have a vision of the supporting evidence that will be in the body of the essay.
After you have written your paper -- are you finished? No. Proofreading the essay is vital in having a successful essay that will please the reader or instructor. Carefully check for grammar and other errors. Are you using an active voice? Change any passive sentences to active sentences. Do you have any needless words? Delete these because they often subtract from the importance of the essay. Are your sentences clear and concise? Have you checked for the use of correct tense in the essay or term paper? Check the punctuation of your essay. Running a spell check on the essay is important but it requires a careful reading for misspelled words or inaccurate words.
Have you checked to see if you have cited each source? Have you carefully completed the works cited page? Be sure to cite any sources used with the correct style requested from the instructor.
Remember the importance of having a hook that draws your reader into the importance of the essay. Every essay has a purpose and audience. The first step is brainstorming for ideas. Have a conclusion that gives something to the reader to take away with him/her. These ingredients are important in having a successful essay that puts a smile on your teacher's face as well as one on your own.
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